
We invite you to park in the lot adjacent to the church building or the one down the parkway, both of which have room reserved for visitors. Additional parking can be found across the street at the Masonic Lodge.
Children’s Ministry
We offer nursery for children age 0–2, as well as age-graded and Bible-based classes and activities for children during Sunday School (9:45am–10:30am), our Sunday morning worship service (10:45am–12:15pm), and our Wednesday evening service (6:30pm–7:30pm). All Kenwood children’s ministry volunteers have undergone background checks, MinistrySafe training, and are members of our church.
Sunday School
Sunday School is an opportunity to learn and grow together through the study of God’s Word and Christian fellowship. We offer a variety of Sunday School classes for all ages; Sunday School begins at 9:45am and ends at 10:30am.
Sunday Morning Worship
We gather every Sunday morning for the adoration and praise of our Triune God. We trust that the Lord will use the ordinary means of grace — praying together, singing together, hearing and reading God’s Word together, and the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s supper — to sanctify his people and draw sinners to himself. Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:45am and ends around 12:15pm.
At the end of every service, we recite one of the historic Christian creeds, such as the Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed, or the Athanasian Creed to confess our common faith together. After this, we corporately celebrate the Lord’s Supper, where we invite all baptized believers in Jesus to partake with us.
We offer a potluck lunch for an extended time of fellowship directly after the worship service each Sunday. You are welcome and encouraged to stay — and you don’t need to bring anything!
Wednesday Evening
Every other Wednesday evening we gather together at 6:30pm for a time of teaching and corporate prayer. We currently have nursery available for ages 0–2, children’s ministry for kids age 3–9, and youth ministry for 10 and up. On alternate Wednesday evenings, Kenwood small groups meet for prayer and study in members’ homes.