
KCM exists to disciple and equip college-age men and women during formative years of life. We strive to ensure that all students grow in maturity, holiness, and in their love for God and neighbor.

Outreach to the University of Louisville

Kenwood is strategically located just south of the campus of the University of Louisville. Weekly outreach opportunities through KCM and other member-initiated efforts are aimed at spreading the gospel to the lost and discipling young believers at UofL.

Fall 2024 Schedule of Events

Want to add to your calendar? You can subscribe to or download our Google calendar here.

Looking for more information or address of locations?
Text, call or email college pastor, Randall: 502-648-8903 / [email protected]

Jan 19Sun5:30 pmPotluck Games
Jan 26Sun5:30 pmWorship Night 1: The Gospel Engages Neighborhoods (1 Pt 3:13-17)
Feb 2Sun5:30 pmMentoring Group 1: The Gospel Builds Churches (1 Pt 3:8-12)
Feb 9Sun6:00 pmSuper Bowl Sunday Fun: Location TBD
Feb 16Sun5:30 pmWorship Night 2: The Gospel Forms Lifestyles (1Pt 3:18-22)
Feb 23Sun5:30 pmMentoring Group 2: The Gospel Speaks against Sin (1 Pt 4:1-6)
Mar 2Sun5:30 pmGreat Baptist Bakeoff: Location TBD (Dinner Included)
Mar 9Sun5:30 pmWorship Night 3: The Gospel Dresses God’s People (1 Pt 4:7-11)
Mar 16Sun5:30 pmMentoring Group 3: Review 1 Pet 4:1-7
Mar 23Sun5:30 pmWorship Night 4: The Gospel Enlivens Hope (1 Pt 4:12-19)
Mar 30Sun5:30 pmMentoring Group 4: Review 1 Pt 4:12-19
Apr 6Sun5:30 pmMovie Night
Apr 13Sun5:30 pmWorship Night 5: The Gospel Raises Up Leaders (1 Pt 5:1-5)
Apr 20Sun5:30 pmMentoring Group 5: Focused Time on 1 Pt 5:6-7
Apr 27Sun5:30 pmWorship Night 6: The Gospel Protects Christian Resolve (1 Pt 5:6-14)